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  • EEV Training

How to improve teamwork skills as an apprentice

Why is teamwork so important?

Collaborative work such as team work allows individuals and companies to thrive. This is because it allows for a diverse group of people to work collectively towards a singular outcome. When working as a team any problems which may occur can become a great moment of sharing ideas, and coming up with creative ways to solve them. Through team work you are able to develop strong working relationships and create opportunities for change and development.

So how do you develop teamwork skills?

Teamwork is a myriad of skills which combine to make one great skill. Some of these skills may include:

Being an attentive listener: Listening to someone is great, but are you paying close attention to what is being said? To be a good team player you need to work together with others and listen to their ideas, opinions and concerns. When an individual is expressing any of these it is important to show them that you care about what they have to say and allow them to speak- this means no interruptions, any input or feedback you have can wait until the end- unless they are asking you a question of course. Show you are paying attention by turning your whole body toward them, this will demonstrate that you are giving them your full undivided attention and make them feel valued and secure in what they have to say.

Communication: Good communication skills are extremely important when you want to get your ideas across. If you are unable to communicate a thought or idea strongly then you will not be able to translate important information accurately and quickly. Some ways in which you can improve your communication skills is by being prepared. Being prepared when taking lead on a meeting or project allows you to gather your thoughts and really think about what you are saying. It also allows you to ensure that what you are saying will be received in the intended way. Non-verbal communication is often forgotten. However, body language is the first thing seen when you are approaching someone. Having open body language such as having your arms by your side or making gestures may show someone that you are open to feedback. Whereas, having your arms crossed may portray one as being more reserved. Smiling shows you are friendly and therefore makes people more willing to trust you and come to you with any ideas, issues or concerns.

Leadership: Leadership is way to motivate others towards a shared goal. To be a good leader you need to have excellent teamwork skills, be able to be a good listener, make decisions and be a good role model. You do not need to be in a leadership role in order to be a good leader. Leadership qualities can be prevalent in any aspect and any role.

How do I deal with failures as a team?

Failure in inevitable in anything you work on, it is important to not let these failures define you and your success. When dealing with failure as a team morale may become low and members may become demotivated. To ensure you learn from the failure be sure to discuss as a team what went wrong, and how you may be assisted in the future. Be sure not to blame anyone and also focus on the positive lessons which you have learned from this and take it on moving forward.

We hope this helps you in your role as an apprentice, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when new posts go up!


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